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Tuesday, 18 Feb 2025


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We here in Africa are proud of Printcorp, the staff, the quality product you deliver. My heart runs over for joy at hearing that the Malagassy Bibles are almost ready. I just returned from there last week after arranging for the coming of God's Word and everything is ready. We will have a big celebration to thank the Lord when it has arrived and before it begins to be distributed.  There will be feasting, music and singing and choirs and all kinds of joyful noise unto the Lord.How the Children of God long for the Bibles there because they know of so many young (new) Christians who have no Bibles. I have connections with over 900 new churches that sprung up the last two years or so where in  most congregations only one person has a Bible. So thank you staff of Printcorp. We appreciate so much what you at Printcorp are doing for the Kingdom of our God and I would encourage you to go on as long as you can ... even though the going may be tough at times. Don't give up. You are working in the greatest ammunition and weapons factory in the world. The weapons of the world kill and wound  but your weapons give Life - it heals the broken hearted. What you print will be used of God to help turn Africa to Jesus and it has already done so.

Thank you very very much. May the God of the Living Word reward you richly and fill you with His love and joy and may He greatly prosper you and your family.


Great job with our very complicated order and shipments. Let me take this opportunity to thank everyone at Printcorp - We are very pleased with the quality of the books - you were able to address all of our concerns. On shipping and customs we came in substantially under my worst-case-scenario budget (except in one or two places like Georgia) due to your experience in the region and especially due to your willingness to be patient while the bureaucratic process on the receiving end slowly ground forward. Unfortunately we were ultimately unable to send books to Uzbekistan, Tajikistan or Kyrgyzstan, but we did get everything we wanted to our two main markets - Russia and Kazakhstan.

I think if we had printed at Amity in China we may have saved a bit of money on printing but I think we would have spent much, much, more in shipping and customs. Your location inside of the Russian customs zone was absolutely critical to shipping books inexpensively to Moscow, Kazan, and he Caucasus.

Thanks for the job well done.

You folks are too efficient! Ukraine called me all excited, because they did not know anything yet about what they would receive! When I told them about Israel, they were pleased.

On the CHF cover, we will still want to keep the logo large as it currently appears on the front cover. Since I am not there to see it visually, I am trusting you again as always! We want it to look nice and professional in appearance.

Thanks for your GREAT help in all our projects! You and your team are appreciated!

Thank you very much for your patient diligence to check and confirm all the details of the orders. I have now updated both contracts according all our latest discussions as well as the new head/tail band references. Please find them enclosed to this email.

Kind regards